Neurotherapy - Brain optimization without medication.


Thrilled to forge connections with fellow like-minded local businesses! Join me in extending a warm welcome to our newest partner, Big Life Integrative, as we delve into the fascinating world of neurofeedback and neurostimulation. Get ready to explore the incredible health benefits that await on this innovative journey!

What is neurotherapy?

Neurotherapy is a safe and noninvasive form of treatment that helps the brain regulate its electrical activity. By regulating brain waves, the brain becomes more flexible, allowing you to have a greater capacity to switch between activities and perform them in the way that you want or need. At Big Life Integrative Health, we use a combination of neurostimulation and neurofeedback techniques in our neurotherapy treatment program. 

What is neurostimulation?

Neurostimulation uses pairs of electrodes that send a small and safe level of electrical current back and forth through the brain. The placement of electrodes and level of current are uniquely determined based on an individual’s brain map and personal goals for treatment. 

Over the course of treatment, the brain will “unlearn” problematic or unhelpful forms of brainwave activity while also learning to mimic more ideal forms of activity given by the stimulation. Over time, the brain will begin to form new neural pathways to replicate this activity on its own.

What conditions can neurotherapy help?

Neurotherapy can address symptoms associated with a number of problems including anxiety, depression, energy, memory, focus, TBI recovery, peak performance, sleep, and more.

What does treatment look like?

Each treatment begins with a quantitative encephalogram (qEEG), or “brain map.” The clinician will review the results and develop a treatment plan based on these findings. A second brain map is recorded halfway through treatment to observe progress and fine-tune training protocols.

Neurotherapy treatment consists of 40-50 sessions, completed at a pace of 2 training sessions per week. Research has shown that the brain needs this amount of repetition to create and solidify these neural connections so that they can last long-term. 

Each session consists of a 40-minute training. During this time, the clinician may use assessment, training exercises, or coaching & counseling techniques to supplement the stimulation. Many clients have found enhanced treatment benefits by brainstorming new, sustainable lifestyle habits, processing current life experiences, or taking space to relax and listen to meditation music. At Big Life we offer counseling and talk therapy during sessions to maximize your wellness and results. 

How is neurostimulation different from neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback uses the principle of operant conditioning (positive reinforcement), which requires the brain to produce a type of brainwave activity and sustain it for a period of time in order to “earn” rewards (e.g., auditory, visual) and reinforce activity. 

Conversely, neurostimulation uses the process of entrainment, in which electrical stimulation shows the brain what to produce, without having the brain “do” anything to receive the training.

Big Life uses neurostimulation as the primary form of treatment to introduce and guide the brain to produce the type of activity it needs to be more regulated and flexible. Many clients have reported more pronounced and immediate benefits from neurostimulation as compared to neurofeedback training. However, as treatment progresses, neurofeedback can be incorporated to help the brain practice how to produce this activity on its own.


If you're curious about how you can benefit from neurotherapy - reach out to the experts at Big Life 303.952.8832 | [email protected] for more details.